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Effects of pumice prophylaxis on retention of orthodontic brackets in conventional etch and prime system in patients attending Orthodontic clinic, National Dental Hospital (Teaching), Sri Lanka


A Parallel-Group Treatment, Double-Blind, 2-Arm Study to Investigate the Comparative Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity Between Intravenous AVT16 and Entyvio® in Male and Female Subjects Aged 18 to 80 Years Inclusive with Moderate to Severe Active Ulcerative Colitis


Effect of the consumption of Sri Lankan traditional fermented cooked rice (Diyabath) as an additional meal compared to its non-consumption; on the nutritional, health and immune parameters of women of reproductive age in Sri Lanka.


A double blinded randomized control trial – the impact of religious chanting on post operative pain and recovery following laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


SGLT2 Inhibitors As First Line Therapy to Prevent Renal Decline in Type 2 Diabetes: START Trial


Effects of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for the motor functions of upper limb and activities of daily living (ADLs) in acute and sub-acute stroke patients.


Efficacy of a clinical pharmacy service in the control of hypertension among a cohort of Sri Lankans


Efficacy of different regimens of oral iron therapy in treatment of iron deficiency anaemia; A randomized control trial


Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase II Clinical Trial to determine the optimum dose, efficacy and safety of LG, a herbal formulation as add on therapy for uncomplicated type 2 diabetes mellitus


Efficacy of a group mindfulness intervention in improving psychological wellbeing among a stratified random sample of individuals, who have been serving the Sri Lanka army during the civil war.


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration