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Dextran in Early Leakage Phase of Dengue Prevents Shock


Formulation of evidence-based rehabilitation protocol for anterior shoulder pain: Evaluation of the effectiveness of Myofascial release and Kinesio taping on Bicipital tendinopathy in patients attending the Sports Medicine Clinic, Teaching Hospital Karapitiya.


Family- centered, early intervention package for infants at high risk for Neuro- Developmental Disabilities to promote language development during early infancy; a randomized controlled trial


Randomized clinical trial of the use of dexmedetomidine VS propofol for conscious sedation for arthroscopic shoulder surgery under interscalene block in beach chair position.


LEAP-CP ( Learning through Everyday Activities with the Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy)


Multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 3 clinical efficacy study evaluating nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) as prevention for treatment of individuals at risk of exposure to COVID-19 infection


Preventing Adverse Cardiac Events (PACE) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


Evaluation of integrated therapeutic measures on functional and psychological outcomes in athletes with iliotibial band syndrome; An interventional study


Developing an educational programme for family caregivers of dependent stroke survivors on care related to activities of daily living (ADL)


Phase 1 clinical trial to determine safety of a herbal formulation LLC in healthy human volunteers.


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration